I18n - Using Locale Translations
As a developer, i want to develop a module with multiiple local support for UI
I18n Dependencies
and i18next-react
is used to support localiation
provides initializeI18n
to initilize i18n module
uses i18next-http-backend
plugin to load translation files.
uses languageDetector
(refer i18n.ts
in common-lb
) to detect
selected language. It uses value of localStorage
's lang
Initialize i18n in a module
- Locale files are t be created in
folder. - a flder for each supported languages are to be created. e.g. for english and hindi there should be below two folders
- Translation file with name
is created under lanfugage folder with translations for keys required for the module.
initilizes i18n
// e.g. in core module's app js we use core translations
Using Translations in react components
e.g. in MyClasses component
\\ MyClasses.js
export default function MyClasses() {
const { t } = useTranslation('core');
return (
title: t("MY_CLASSES"),
Using Translations in Host Applcation
Once module development is done, we need to copy the trabnslations files from module to hostt application's public/locales
\ TODO: write a script to automate the copy of locales to app's folder.
TODO: We can use central server to provides locale translation files.
Module's translation files are pushed to common backend server siimilar way module's configuration are pushed to server and application loades the locales from server.
Alternate approach - implement i18next
plugin similar to i18next-http-backend
to load translatioin files from remote urls.